Oct 20, 2011

Trailer Trash Barbie: Tattoeed Barbie Has Parents Outraged

Parents in New York City are complaining about the new Tokidoki Barbie that has tattoos on her chest, arms, and neck. By the way, Tokidoki means "sometimes" in Japanese so I'm assuming these barbies will sometimes have a show about their successful tattoo parlor or they'll sometimes be a mistress of what seems to be a successful marriage. Aside from the tattoos, the doll also has pink hair, sky-high stilettos, and a pet named Bastardino. Despite all of these precious characteristics, parents are mostly mad about the fact that the barbie has tattoos. One parent says, "Maybe if a little girl sees that she also wants a tattoo and I think it’s not good." Whoa whoa whoa. Calm the eff down. If a girl really wants a tattoo just giver her a temporary one. You act like she's going to go out and take your minivan out to the nearest tattoo store, get a tattoo on her lower back of Hello Kitty, and hide it from you until it's bath time. I can see sixteen-year-old girls doing that, but if they're playing with Barbies then they've got other issues on their hands. The thing that pisses me off the most is that there have been worse dolls out there. What about Pregnant Barbie? I'm sure you'd rather have a 7-year-old daughter with a tattoo than a baby. And what about those baby dolls that pee all over the place? They're trying to make all these dolls that play maternal roles like cooking and cleaning. Why can't they make dolls that actually do something useful? Like Bartender Barbie. 

Photo: Flickr

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