Oct 27, 2011

Lo-Hands Up: Michael Lohan Gets Arrested Hours After Release

Michael Lohan is back in the news again. Apparently, he got arrested after his ex-girlfriend, Kate Major, called police regarding a domestic violence situation. Lohan was ordered not to communicate with Major in any way, however, 12 hours after being released he called her and police came after him. Lohan tried to escape the police after a dramatic chase. Lohan jumped from a 3 story balcony, hid in some bushes, then attempted to escape on foot. This guy needs to take Bruce Willis' spot on Die Hard. I don't know who can run away on foot after injuring his foot froma 34-foot jump, but I have two questions for Lohan. What was he on? And can I have some? The cops took Lohan to the hospital to monitor his injured foot before throwing him back in jail. Sadly, this isn't the first domestic violence issue Lohan has had with Major. I don't know who's dumber. Major for giving Lohan another chance or me for giving a shit about this story.

Photo: Pop on the Pop

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