Oct 10, 2011

Monkey See, Monkey Steals: Beyonce Accused Of Copying... Again

For the third time in her career, Beyonce is getting a lot of negative attention for being a part of a production that has very close similarities to a previous production. First, her "Single Ladies" music video, then her "Girls" live performance, and now for her music video for the single "Countdown." I think now would be a good time to fire your choreographer, Beyonce. The video seems to mirror lots of movements from a Belgian choreographer named Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker. The director of the music videos said “I brought Beyoncé a number of references and we picked some out together. Most were German modern-dance references, believe it or not. But it really evolved.” German, Belgian. Same thing. The director also says the video paid homage to Audrey Hepburn and The Supremes. If that's the case, then I've been paid a lot of homage to a lot of students who sat next to me in History class during high school. Check out the video and tell me what you think. 

Video: YouTube

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