Oct 20, 2011

Gramma's Deal: Woman Accidentally Calls Cops For Drug Deal

A 61-year-old woman in Mississippi is being charged with possession and intent to distribute after she mistakenly called a detective of the Street Team Task Force. The detective answered his cell phone, but took the calls as a joke. The police said, "In initial calls, she wanted to sell some pills. He blew her off, and evidently she didn't like being ignored, so she started sending a series of text messages. That's when we kind of took it seriously." Police managed to set up a meeting and found the lady with a marijuana pipe and 30 hydrocodone tablets, which for those of you who don't know is about the amount of Charlie Sheen's breakfast. 

This lady is so stupid for calling and texting someone on a crime prevention team. If the first guy says, "Hello? Oh, hi. No, I'm sorry. I don't want any drugs from you. Goodbye." You call someone else that says, "What up, bitch? Ah, you got some pills! What else you got? Thassit? Aite aite. Meet me at the park! Peace!"

Photo: The Heretik

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