Oct 10, 2011

Boring-Anaz: David Boreanaz Says Cheating Made Him Stronger

David Boreanaz, formerly known as Angel and currently known as Bones, tells TV Week that having an affair with Rachel Uchitel made his relationship with his wife, Jamie Bergman, stronger. Although he says the marriage has had its ups and downs just like any relationship it was a way for them to get closer. He says, ""In a sacred ground like marriage, you find yourself out of it at certain times for reasons unknown that can be destructive. There could be a demon that kind of comes out and overtakes you." That's so romantic. Nothing's better than when a guy tells you, "I've cheated on you. Now I've made sure that no one gives me better sex than you do. Boreanaz also says, "Do I believe in giving up? No, I don't. I'm a fighter. I'm a lover." It's so easy not to believe in giving up when you're cheating.

Photo: Twirl It

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