Oct 12, 2011

Blow The Cover: Designer Integrates Breathalyzer Into Jacket

There is a designer in New Zealand who has invented a jacket that has a breathalyzer made into a jacket. The wearer simply blows into a sensor on the collar and lights will shine on the forearm of the jacket. The brighter the shine, the more alcohol the sensor detects. The designer says the lights will only shine for about a minute to prevent the wearer from becoming a light show. His main aim is to decrease drinking and driving, something that is very prevalent in New Zealand. "The main aim of the breathalyser jacket is to provide the wearer with enough information regarding the amount alcohol on his/her breath to make a decision on whether driving is in fact a good idea." I love this idea. As an alcoholic and someone who doesn't have their license, I think drinking and driving should be prevented any way it can. However, I find two possible problems for this breathalyzer jacket. One, as soon as people start drinking their judgement goes out the window. Trust me, it happens every weekend when someone writes on my wall on Facebook asking, "Do you remember what you did last night?" I feel like there's gonna be a few people who will be like, "Well, it didn't shine that bright." Two, what the hell happens when the battery for that stupid light goes out. After seven cocktails, someones gonna blow into their collar and say, "I'm still not drunk?"

Photo: Technabob

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