Oct 2, 2011

Branded: Russell Brand Is Not Allowed In Canada

Canada has deported Russell Brand after flying there for a performance in Ontario. Some are saying that it may be due to his criminal record and drug history. Brand took to twitter to express his feelings about getting deported by saying, “Tonight’s Casino Rama show postponed. I’m sorry. I can’t enter Canada. We must abolish the borders between our nations AND our minds.” He didn't have to get so philosophical about it. A simple, "I got deported for being a criminal" would've done the trick. However, I have to say I'm on Brand's side on this one. I think borders are useless because stupid people come to our country all of the time. I think it's only fair that Canada let stupid people into theirs. They gave us Mike Myers and Celine Dion, so I think they deserve a Russell Brand or two. 

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