Oct 22, 2011

PETA'd Off: PETA Goes Against The Movie 'We Bought A Zoo'

PETA is complaining about We Bought A Zoo, a movie starring Matt Damon and Scarlett Johanson about a couple who have no experience with zoo animals yet still manage to improve a zoo they bought. The vice president of this stupid organization, Lisa Lange, says it's sending out the wrong message. She says, "We Bought a Zoo conveys the misleading and downright dangerous message that no special knowledge—just a lot of heart—is needed to run a zoo." We fucking know that. It's a god damn fiction movie. Lisa Lame then mentions the tragedy about the exotic animals in Ohio and stresses that animals have special needs. Everyone has special needs, Lisa. It's called eating, sleeping, and going number two in peace. This lady is so stupid. People watch movies all the time and hardly expect things to happen that way in real life. You don't see people living life through song and dance after watching Glee, do you? PETA is always complaining. I believe in animal rights and the fight to make them equal, but come on. Cut the fuckin' umbilical cord.

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