Oct 2, 2011

Bingotox: Casino Offers Plastic Surgery Jackpot

The Trump Taj Mahal in Atlantic City, New Jersey is starting a Nip, Tuck, and Lift Sweepstakes contest where one lucky winner can score $25,000 in plastic surgery. This is totally right up Joan Rivers' alley. The rep for the casino said they wanted to change their marketing scheme knowing that people always want something to change about their body. "Many people have something they want to change; a nip and tuck here, a lift there, but the cost of these procedures can be quite costly," says the rep. I may not be the prettiest picture in the art gallery, but I must say that I'm fine with my body shape. Yeah, I get fatter on the weekends, but that's nothing a little ecstasy can't fix. The thing that I don't understand about the contest is that it's money for going under the knife, but the prize will be awarded in cash. One lucky winner can spend it all on liposuction or they can lose it all the next day at a the craps table.

Photo: Woman And Life

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