Oct 10, 2011

Secrets For Marriage: Relationship Book Says Vacations, Secrets, and Cheating Maintain Marriage

Iris Krasnow has written a book based off of hundreds of wives she's interviewed and concludes the key to marriage is making out with exes, keeping secrets, and separate vacations, among other things. She says that each marriage has its own set of rules catering to the needs of each person in the relationship. Krasnow believes the only things that a marriage needs are trust, respect, emotional and sexual intimacy, friendship, and flexibility. I don't know how there can be trust if women are just cheating on their husbands all the time. And how can their be intimacy if women are keeping all of these secrets all the time? The book also encouraged women to marry Mr. Predictable and make out with your exes so I'm guess the title How To Keep Your Rich Husband and Still Have Fun was taken. If I was keeping secrets, having separate vacations, making out with my exes all the time, do you know what that would make me? Single! This is exactly why I don't believe in marriage. If you're not happy spreading your legs to just one person, then spread 'em further to let more people in. I'm an independent woman and I would never sleep around behind my husband's back to be happy. I'd rather be a slut with multiple men to gather different resources. 

Photo: Nairaland

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