Oct 11, 2011

Doggy Treat: Chef Says Dog Meat Is As Good As Pork

There's a chef by the name of Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall who claims that eating cooked dog meat is no worse than eating pork and the only reason it's looked down upon is because humans see dogs as pets and not farm animals. Although he believes in the claim he has no intention of farming dogs. He said he would not eat a labrador unless he was about starve. However, whether he decides to practice it or not, the chef has been getting criticized for the claim. A Dogs Trust representative said, "We believe that the concept of breeding dogs for food in any conditions, high welfare or not, is wholly unacceptable. Dogs are companion animals and as man's best friend they provide immeasurable love, comfort and support to owners all over the world." Uuh... Not in Asia. I just wrote an article not too long ago mentioning dogs being a popular dish in Indonesia. They're probably listening to that chef and saying, "This is what we've been saying the whole time!"

Photo: Blogger

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