Oct 18, 2011

Rated PG for Porno Graphic: Hackers Change Sesame Street Channel To Porn

The makers of Sesame Street have taken down their YouTube channel after hackers submitted pornographic content to it. The pornographic content was up and running for about 20 minutes while viewers were allowed to see an adult film titled First Anal Quest: Angelica. I can only imagine what that's about... The hackers replaced the Sesame Street logo with a banner that said, "It's where porn lives" and in the video description they wrote, "Who doesn't love porn, kids? Right! Everyone loves it." A YouTube user by the name of MrEdxwx is accused of being the hacker since he was on there before the channel was compromised. He uses his YouTube account to make video games and denies the allegations. He commented saying, "I did not hack Sesame Street. I work hard to make quality gameplay videos, and most important I respect the community guidelines." I would bet all of the money I don't have to say he is the hacker. Both hackers and video game nerds probably spend more time on computers than breathing. I feel like video games and hacking is pretty analogous to Catholic Latinas and getting pregnant. Either way, I think it's funny the porno focused mostly on anal sex. Now they know what Bert and Ernie are doing behind the scenes.

Photo: Muppet Wiki

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