Feb 16, 2012

As an alcoholic, I have not obtained my driver's license because I care about my community. Granted, there are times when I wish I could have a car because the drive thru at Taco Bell actually requires you to have one. Trust me, I've tried. Either way, I still like to stay updated on the latest laws and I ran into an article that listed the six strangest driving laws in California. Number 1 said no woman is allowed to drive while wearing a bathrobe. So Britney Spears can't drive with a bathrobe, but she can still flash her vagina if she's in her car. Number 5 says no one is allowed to pour salt on the road in Hermosa Beach, CA. I don't know if legislators know this, but sand is actually sea salt. I'll allow everyone to think about that for a minute. Number 6 says any car without a driver is not allowed to go over 60 mph. That would explain why Charlie Sheen never got arrested for driving his cars off the road. Allegedly... However, a couple of them actually made sense to me, like number 2, which says no one is allowed to plant crops on a road in Chico, California. I've never been to Chico but the last thing I want is Google Maps to tell me to turn left and drive into the middle of a god damn corn field. Number 3, which says no one is allowed to dry their car with used underwear, also made sense because that's just gross. I don't know why anyone would do that unless they were prejudice against towels or in a hurry to join a wet panties contest.

Source: Cosmo BC
Photo: Patpoh

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