Feb 22, 2012

On A Serious Note: The Difference Between Being Young And Old

I was talking to a friend the other day and I was telling him how I wanted to die young. He was a little shocked and concerned for me because when I said this he assumed that I meant I didn't want to live past my 40s. That's not what I meant at all. I definitely want to live as many years as I can. I don't want to die tomorrow, but I don't want to live forever if I can't do everything that I'm doing now. To me being old is a lifestyle. You buy a house, you don't stay up past 8pm, and you stop driving at night. I don't want to have that kind of a lifestyle. I want to be young forever. It's not about partying, and being able to tolerate a hangover. It's about being active, independent, and seeking discovery. So when I say I want to die young, that doesn't mean I want to die in my twenties. I want to die at an age where I can read my own words, drive my own car at night, and wipe my own ass. 

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