Feb 14, 2012

Dear Diary: Today is Valentine's Day and I'm Single. Again.

Today was the 22nd year that I've celebrated Valentine's Day while being single. Yes, I am 22. Believe it or not I've managed to keep a few guys from coming back to me on a second date, but that's probably because they hadn't seen how much I drink yet. I'm not going to sit her and complain about how I hate being single because I don't. I'm also not going to sit here and tell you how I hold my head up high and celebrate National Single's Awareness Day because I also don't. Nothing is more sad than lying to yourself that your happy with being single. So instead of both of these two holidays that I never understood (probably because I have no friends or lovers) I celebrate National Slut Day. Where instead of embracing love and friendship, I embrace lust and friends with benefits. Instead of eating chocolates or getting flowers, I ride chocolate men and watch them deflower me. I'm not here to put down a lifestyle of love and friendship, but to help others recognize a lifestyle that they can better understand. I'm not going to lie. There are times when I wish I had a boyfriend to wake up to because I, too, suffer from morning wood on a daily basis. However, you will never hear me complaining how I wish I had someone to hold or how I feel so lonely. Some think I live a sad life, but there's nothing sad about it. It's called happy hour, dumb ass.

Photo: Babble

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