Feb 7, 2012

Time-Out: Parents Get Criminal Charges For Bringing Kids Late To School

Parents in Loudoun County, Virginia are receiving criminal charges for constantly bringing their children tardy to class. The county's public schools claim they are looking out for the children arguing that late arrivals disrupt other children who are ready to learn. I don't know what's more stupid: The fact that someone can be a criminal for making their kid late to class every day or that kids are ready to learn. Kids are never ready to learn. The only thing students look forward to in school is lunch and recess. One parent said if they criminalized every parent who brought their child late to school, the court houses would be full. Mark Denicore, a parent who was summoned by a Virginia court after repeatedly bringing their child late to school, says, "We are the first to admit we are not perfect and our kids are not perfect, but we are doing our very best and don't think in this case it should be criminal charges.” Aww... Mr. Denicore must live very far if he's late all the time, right? "We definitely don't have the traffic excuse that some people have,” says Denicore. He actually lives about a two-minute drive away. But they obviously must be doing something important in the morning, right? Denicore says there are more important things to teach children besides being on time, such as eating a healthy breakfast or tying their own shoes. I guess those are good things to teach your children but how about we save that for after school? If I was teaching my child anything before 11 in the morning it would be how to use the snooze button.

Source: MSNBC
Photo: Vals Teacher

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