Feb 14, 2012

Red Neck Alert: Miranda Lambert Lashes Out On Chris Brown Over Twitter

For those of you who don't know, the Grammy's aired not too long ago and apparently Chris Brown was given two performance spots on the whole production. Miranda Lambert was one of the people who wasn't too happy seeing Brown performing at Sunday's event. She took to Twitter to tell her fans, "“Chris Brown twice? I don’t get it. He beat on a girl…” She needs to calm down. I wasn't there when Brown beat Rihanna for whatever reason, but Rihanna does where a necklace with the C word on it, which I both love her more for that and have to question if she had it coming. Either way, Rihanna is over it and even praises him on some of his success on her Twitter page. If Rihanna's over it, I don't understand why Miranda Lambert has to step Chris Brown's twinkle toes with her little Texas cowboy boots. For the record, I'm team Chris Brown on this one. Not because I rarely like blondes and have a history of seducing black men. And no, not because it's a lot more fun to dance to hip hop than to country while under the influence of narcotics. But because I like Chris Brown's style. When I tell my man to beat it up, I mean beat it up.

Source: Gossip Cop
Photo: En Terra

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