Feb 15, 2012

Seal Later: Seal Seen Without Wedding Ring After Saying He'll Never Take It Off

I was reading up on some TMZ and found out that Heidi Klum and Seal had a divorce. When the eff did they get married? Anywho, Seal went on Ellen saying he didn't want to remove his wedding ring because "It's a token of how I feel about this woman" and "It feels really comfortable on my hand." Ugh... Why would you wear a ring that only reminds you of the woman who divorced you? And then he adds that it's comfortable? Double ugh... I wake up every morning not wanting to take off my pajamas because they're comfortable, but do you see me keeping them on forever? Sometimes... Either way, TMZ also caught Seal not only with his wedding ring off, but with neon yellow finger nails, too. Now his fingers look like bumble bees. As for Ms. Klum, she divorced Seal because of his temper and was seen without him last Sunday at the Golden Globes. TMZ also said the last time they filmed Seal and Klum together, they asked Klum what the key is to a successful marriage and she didn't answer the question. I don't speak Heidi Klum, but I'm sure her answer was something like, "I'll let you know when I have one."

Source: TMZ
Photo: TMZ

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