Feb 21, 2012

Dear Diarrhea: The Time I Saw Trey Songz

So if you didn't know before, I work at a movie theater and I can pretty much get away with a lot of things. I come drunk, high, or if my coworkers are lucky, both. The only reason I can get away with all of the stuff that I do is because it's pretty much the theater that no one knows about. We only have 9 theaters and we usually get all the movies that senior citizens want to watch. However, this past Monday, Trey Songz came into our theater to watch Safe House at 10:10. My 15-minute break was supposed to be at 9:30 and I thought there might be a slight chance of meeting him while I wasn't working. However, my 15 minutes were up and I had to return to selling tickets at the box office. My boss let me know early on that he wouldn't have to buy a ticket and that he would walk straight in. Sure enough while I was at the box office he walks straight buy into a hallway. I tried to get a picture, but it didn't work out since he wasn't even facing my direction.

Soonafter Mr. Songz walks into the movie theater my manager asked me if I could help the publicist take his food to him inside the theater. Obviously I said yes, but my manager didn't understand me because I basically lost my mind a little bit. I followed Mr. Songz's publicist inside the movie theater with a box of nachos on top of two pizza boxes on top of a tray. I was so nervous that I swore I was going to drop the box of nachos all over Trey's lap and would attempt to wipe it off as an excuse to touch his crotch. Luckily, that didn't happen. I was walking up the stairs and there he was. I looked at him straight in the eye and attempted to hand him his food. Unfortunately, his publicist rained on my gay parade when she told me to give it to the bodyguard. I was pissed. However, Mr. Songz did give me eye contact for a split second and in that split second I felt fireworks. Something magical happened both in my body. Mostly below the belt. I can die happy now. 

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