Feb 23, 2012

Head Shot: Sienfeld Actor Fails At Suicide Attempt

Daniel Von Bargen, some guy who's been on Sienfeld, Malcolm In the Middle, and Always Sunny In Philadelphia was hospitalized on Wednesday after he tried to commit suicide by shooting himself in the temple. I don't know how someone could mess this up, but he couldn't open his left eye after shooting himself so I'm guessing he shot it at a bad angle. After shooting himself, Von Bargen called 911 and said, "I shot myself in the head and I need help." I'm sure the 911 operator was like, "No shit..." Apparently he's also diabetic and was scheduled for a hospital visit on Monday where he could have potentially had a few toes amputated. He said, "I was supposed to go to the hospital today and I didn't want to." I'd hate to break it to him, but shooting himself in the head isn't going to keep him from going to the hospital either. I find that there's worse things in life than getting your toes amputated. If he really didn't want to go to the hospital to get his toes cut off then he should have them off instead of his left eye.

Source: GMA Network

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