Feb 7, 2012

Turning You Over: Court Rules Prop 8 To Be Unconstitutional

A court has overturned the ban on gay marriage in California. Again. This can't really be all good news since I now have no more excuses not to get married in my favorite state in America. I shouldn't have a problem, however, if I decide to keep my mouth open. The court says Prop 8 is unconstitutional, ruling, "Proposition 8 served no purpose, and had no effect, other than to lessen the status and human dignity of gays and lesbians in California." Well, what the hell did they think was it's purpose before? Have you ever seen a lesbian go on a second date? That's when they move in together! Men are different. I'm not saying none of them want to get married, but I'm sure some of them were voting yes so they don't have to get tied down to their boyfriends and retire in Palm Springs.

Photo: Hunk Du Jour

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