Feb 8, 2012

Dry Humping, Zipper Bumping: Daniel Radcliffe Confesses About Hooking Up With Fans

We've all seen him wave around that stupid little branch that magically emits fire and harnesses electricity. Now we get to see him as a mature young adult outside of Harry Potter movies and inside a new thriller called Woman In Black. Yes, boys and girls, I'm talking about Daniel Radcliffe. According to the Daily Mirror, Radcliffe confesses to having one-night stands with Harry Potter groupies. He says, "I was always very nervous about the groupie thing. I like to like somebody before I sleep with them. You know, you’re going to have to talk to them afterwards, even if it is a one-night stand." That's stupid. I've had my fair share of one-night stands and I've never had to talk to some of them if I didn't want to, but that's probably because my hands can't talk. Radcliffe continues to talk about how he always knew the person he would hook up with outside from having a few drinks. This is usually the part where I commend my subject for drinking, but unfortunately Radcliffe no longer suffers from alcoholism like I do. And because of this, I cannot be friends with him or his uncircumcised penis. 

Source: OK Magazine

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