Sep 8, 2011

You Can't Handle The Tooth!: Evan Rachel Wood Loses A Tooth While Partying

Evan Rachel Wood of True Blood was partying in Paris this week and apparently she lost a tooth. She was attending a nightclub and while in the middle of the dance floor she was elbowed in the face by a nearby patron. How the hell is she going to bite anyone in the neck now? No one is going to take her seriously with one fang. Luckily, she met with a dentist to replace the missing tooth. Wednesday, the day after she lost her tooth, was her birthday. So all she wants for her 24th are her two front teeth. Maybe she should just do what Tara Reid did and just super glue it back on. Honestly, i shouldn't be making fun of Ms. Wood because I've lost my teeth at a party before. Twice. The first time, they were flushed down a toilet and the second time, I don't have any memory for that incident. Both times, however, it made me do something I thought I'd never do: keep my mouth shut.

Photo: Dose

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