Sep 20, 2011

Kate Plus Hate: Kate Gosselin Lashes Out At Paparazzi

Kate Gosselin hates the paparazzi just like everyone else in Hollywood, unless you're Paris Hilton or Heidi Montag. She says although she loves all of the perks that come with having a reality TV show, the only thing she hates are the paparazzi. “I just screamed at [the paparazzi] today,” says Kate. “And I said go away leave me alone. Go and photograph somebody else. Every day they leave me alone it’s a great day. If I have a job and it doesn’t go with paparazzi, great.” If she wants to get away from the paparazzi, here's a tip: stop being famous. It's very easy. If you need a walkthrough, I'm sure Spencer Pratt or Vanilla Ice would be happy to help.

However, it's actually not the kind of help she's looking for because she wants to continue working in the entertainment industry. She says she'll take anything right about now, but hopefully she's being careful about what she wishes for. The last time I told someone I'd do anything, I ended up dressing like Spider-Man and got peed on by several 1st graders.

Some people are giving her a lot of crap for wanting to limit herself to only TV roles when the welfare of her kids are at hand, but I say go for it. I'm not exactly Kate's number one fan, but I am happy that she's not trying to get money from suing her husband. The last thing a mother needs to do is make money that isn't her own. See: Sarah Palin.

Photo: Huffington Post

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