Sep 23, 2011

No Fun N' Games: The CW To Make A Show About Musical Chairs

I've just heard news from the Huffington post that the CW will be making a show about people going through obstacle courses to collect chairs to the sound of music. The show is cleverly titled Extreme Musical Chairs. I don't know why they decided with musical chairs. Was duck, duck, goose taken already? I've always hated musical chairs. I never won, which usually turned the game into a WWE wrestling match. What they need to do is gather the cast of Jersey Shore, put them all on a spaceship, and get them the fuck off of this Earth. If you tell them the show is called Men Are From Mars; Women Are From Venus, they'll think they're all being sent to a planet where only the opposite sex will be there. They'd also be able to give STDs to people they haven't given them to already.

Photo: Screen Junkies

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