Sep 27, 2011

Booby Trap: Farmer Mad At Rihanna For Going Topless

Rihanna was in Ireland shooting her music video for the song "We Found Love" and part of the production was her being topless. They asked a farmer if they could use his property to shoot part of the video, but when he saw that she was going topless, he asked everyone to stop the production. He said, "I felt it was inappropriate. I requested them to stop and they did." I don't know what this guy's problem is. I'm not sexually attracted to women, but I would still appreciate a pair of free tits on my property so long as they don't look like flesh-colored bananas. I think it's obvious that this fool didn't know who Rihanna was, but he still wished her good luck and shook her hand. He also said, "I wish no ill will against Rihanna and her friends. Perhaps they could acquaint themselves with a greater God." Yes, that's just what everyone needs: a greater God. I think there are more Catholic priests who need a greater God more than Rihanna.

Photo: E! Online

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