Sep 23, 2011

Beyon-Say No More: Beyonce Says She's Never Been Happier

I was watching E! News the other day, because I couldn't find the remote control and was too lazy to get up to change the channel, and I saw an interview with Beyonce. I knew it was going to be pretty annoying because she was going to talk about how happy she is to be pregnant. If I was pregnant, I'd just throw in the bib and look for the nearest abortion clinic, but Beyonce says, "I'm probably the happiest I've ever been." It doesn't sound like there's a baby in there. Sounds more like a morphine IV. She went on to say, "It is the most incredible gift anyone can have and I'm so happy I'm a woman. Men, I feel bad, they don't get to experience this. It's incredible." I think I speak for all men when I say that we're fine with the way things are going. I hope she realizes that being pregnant is not going to be like making a music video. It's going to be like taking a huge dump out of your vagina. A huge, crying dump. If I was a girl, the last thing I'd want is a baby because once you have even one, your vagina never stays the same. I don't want that to happen to my vagina. It's my vagina!

Photo: Radio Junkee

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