Sep 20, 2011

Rest In Fleas: Michaele Salahi's Dies

Remember that stupid housewife from D.C. that crashed the white house? The same one who was also reported missing after her neglected husband didn't know where she was? The same ho who was actually banging some rock star that was a little bit before my time? Well, her dog died. Apparently this dog had a heart attack several weeks ago and has been on medication since. Just after Tareq had given the dog it's medicine, it began to cry in pain and it died. So I guess dogs don't like Tums.

Tareq is outraged and is blaming his estranged ex-wife because since she left, the dog has not been able to leave its bed. Tareq claims the dog became depressed due to the neglect, but if I know Tareq, which I don't, it sounds like the dog is going through the same thing as him.

Photo: DawnALI

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