Sep 20, 2011

Sore Voice Loser: John Mayer Diagnosed With Serious Throat Condition

John Mayer was diagnosed with granuloma, which I'm guessing is doctor talk for mono. This forced him to cancel some of his tour dates and postpone the release of his next album. I don't know about you guys, but this brings music to my ears. He says, “I’ve got the best doctors in the country looking after me and I will be singing and touring again as soon as I get the all-clear. Until then I’ll be spending time writing and composing more music and kicking an empty soup can around the West Village.” He should do us all a favor and kick himself in the mouth until he can't talk anymore. John Mayer says some of the stupidest shit. I can't stand him and I can't stand the things that come out of his mouth. To be honest, he acts like some of the things I put in my mouth. I'll let you guys use your imaginations.

Photo: Free Extras

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