Sep 20, 2011

Not The Time Or Lace: Britney Spears Exposes Her Panties

Britney Spears was in London this week leaving the Soho hotel in London when a paparazzo managed to capture a shot of her pink lace panties. First of all, I love the word panties. I even call my own boxer-brief panties. Where's my panties?!

Anywho, I don't know why this is news. We've seen Britney's panties before. We've even seen her little nana, which I've refused to Google on several occasions. However, it's been a slow news day and I'm slightly hungover from all of the mouthwash I tried to blackout from last night so cut me some slack.

Some web sites are saying she posed for the pictures, while others say she is a victim of pesky paparazzi. I don't think she posed for the pictures. I don't think she has any real reason, too. I think after you shave your head all there is left to do join the army, right Demi Moore?

Photo: TMZ

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