Sep 11, 2011

Lo Calorie Diet: Ali Lohan Has A Dramatic Transformation

Apparently, there's been a lot of buzz about Linsdsay Lohan's sister, Ali Lohan, being underweight. Ginger Lohan took to Twitter to say, "I love how haters pick on my sister yet every runway model is just as thin! My sister is gorgeous and I'm so proud of her and her career!!!!" Thank god she put four exclamation points because I don't think she would have driven her point across with only one. Also on Ali's side is her publicist because what kind of publicist is going to tell the media that one of their clients has an eating disorder? Ali's publicist, Steve Honig says, "Aliana has never had any plastic surgery in her life, nor has she ever considered it." Even her modeling agency got in on the argument claiming, "As a young girl who is growing up, it's natural for her facial features to change slightly, and we see this with many of the younger models we represent." The representative for the agency, Alexis Borges, adds, "We take pastoral care of our models very seriously and encourage the models to maintain a healthy lifestyle and body shape." I don't know what pastoral care is, but I'm assuming it's preventing Ali from participating in happy hour and ordering five crunch wrap supremes from Taco Bell afterward. I don't know whether Ali had surgery or just isn't eating, but a nutritionist told that she is probably suffering from anorexia. Dr. Majid Ali feels “She is very underweight. By looking at her cheekbones you can tell that she has muscle wasting going on ... She may binge and purge plus calorie restrict.” I'm definitely going to take the doctor's word over Lindsay's, especially since her daily calorie intake is around negative 2 pounds.

Photo: Pop on the Pop

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