Sep 9, 2011

She Fangs! She Fangs!: Woman Attacks Disabled Man Like A Vampire

A self-proclaimed vampire is arrested after attacking a man in a wheelchair outside of a Hooters in Florida. The man in the wheelchair, Milton Ellis, was asleep on the floor outside of a Hooters porch when vampire lady, Josephine Smith, got on top of him and started biting his neck and face then ran away. Ellis managed to get back on his wheelchair and call police from a nearby Shell gas station. Ellis said Smith was fully clothed when he last saw her, but police found her half-naked on the Hooters porch covered in Ellis' blood. This is another reason why I hate Twilight. Ever since that stupid movie came out, everything has been going downhill from there. First they started making Twilight condoms, then people decided they want to launch a vampire cruise next summer, and now this. This never would've happened if this guy had just laid off of the buffalo wings and ordered garlic bread instead.

Photo: All Weird News

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