Mar 1, 2012

Artificial Death: Lady Climbs Out Of Her Coffin Before Her Funeral

A woman in China managed to climb out of her coffin six days after her neighbors thought she was dead. She was actually unconscious from tripping and hitting her head, which happened two weeks before her neighbors found her.  The neighbor who found her was going on his daily visit to give her breakfast and saw her motionless in her bed. If she tripped and hit her head, how the fuck did she land on her bed? And if she did land on her bed, what the fuck does she use for pillows? Bamboo? After finding her lifeless on the bed, her neighbor shook her as hard as he could and gave her CPR, but her body responded to nothing. The neighbors went so far as to lay her in a coffin and hold a wake for her friends and family to give their condolences. However, the day before the funeral, the neighbors saw that the coffin was empty and found the lady cooking in her kitchen. One doctor says she was probably suffering an artificial death where someone's body is still warm, but they have no breath. What if Whitney Houston was suffering an artificial death? She'd probably be banging on that coffin screaming, "Bobbay!" Either way, let's all congratulate Whitney on being sober for 25 days.

Source: WTF News
Photo: WTF News

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