Mar 6, 2012

What A Steal: Man Robs Girl Then Asks Her On A Date

A man named John Jardini has been arrested for robbery and assault after he stole $60 from a girl after she got off the bus. At this point, most normal robbers would leave their victims alone, but instead, Jardini decided to call the girl twice to ask her out on a date. Talk about romantic... Police attempted to catch the robber through tracing the phone calls but were actually able to catch him after he assaulted the same girl a second time and her mother outside of a grocery store. Rob me once, shame on you. Rob me twice, that's just silly. This guy obviously didn't think things through. He robbed a girl who only had $60. If she's getting off of the bus, that's probably all she has. Let's just hope he got the mother's number, too, from the second assault.

Source: Huffington Post
Photo: Aarons

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