Mar 7, 2012

Booked At School: 11-year-old Gets Arrested For Bad Manners

An 11-year-old girl in Colorado was arrested at her middle school after she being disobedient, rude, and argumentative. Good thing I didn't go to school in Colorado because I would be arrested every day. According to the report, the student was walking to her locker to get a sweater and the assistant principal came up to her to talk to her during her lunch period. The student walked away mid-sentence saying, "I don't have time for this." School officials sent her to a counselor and after those efforts failed, the campus officer took her to a juvenile facility called "The Link." I don't see what the problem is. If it's lunch time, I'm sure she had a basketball player or two she had to meet up with so they can play zipper bumping behind the bleachers. Besides, they didn't have to arrest her. I'm sure a simple after-school detention would have done the trick. But the thing that bugs me the most is the juvenile hall. Why is it called The Link? Is it just me or does that sound like a dating site where people go to pretend to be someone they're not?

Source: Lurker Faqs
Photo: Gold Coast

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