Mar 28, 2012

Paulie Wants A Cracked Head: Owner Hopes Thieves Are Annoyed With Stolen Parrot

A man in England hopes the thieves who stole his parrot will return it from being annoyed by her singing songs from the band Queen. Not only did the thieves steal the guy's parrot, but they stole his Playstation 3, as well. The owner, Malcolm Booth, doesn't really care about the Playstation 3, but he just wants his bird back because it was like family to him. Booth is almost positive they will get sick of Chico singing songs, like "Bohemian Rhapsody," "We Are The Champions," and "Killer Queen." He says, "I'm a great fan of Queen and am used to Chico squawking and whistling their tunes but I'm not sure its everyone's cup of tea. I don't think the people who have her will appreciate her squawking 'Scaramouche', 'Galileo' and 'I'm just a poor boy' at them all the time. In fact I think it will drive them up the wall." I have two things to say. One, why is the parrot's name Chico if she's a girl? And two, I don't know about the thieves, but if I was annoyed with a parrot reciting Queen lyrics, I would beat the shit out of it. If I stole a parrot, it better hope that it can recite Kathy Griffin's stand up shows. I can't stand birds. They wake me up in the morning, they take a dump on me, and one of them even swooped towards me and hit me in the head. Lucky for it, I didn't have a shotgun. Lucky for me, I had breadcrumbs. Dipped in bleach. 

Source: UPI
Photo: Pawn Nation

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