Mar 6, 2012

Full Of Crap: Toilets at University of Chicago Are Exploding

A dormitory hall at the University of Chicago has bathrooms with very unsanitary conditions, water outages, and exploding toilets. I've seen toilets with unsanitary conditions and water outages because I made the mistake of having Indian food for dinner one night. However, I've never heard of exploding toilets. A freshman at the university named Michelle Rodriguez said, "In a 24-hour period, the plumbing exploded twice, and exploded with such force and severity that a toilet bowl … shattered, throwing porcelain shards across the bathroom." I wish I was there to see that. This gives a whole new meaning to the term, "dropping a bomb." Rodriguez went on to say that the explosion left "pieces of someone else's excrement on my hair, my face, my lips." I don't know about you guys, but I think this is hilarious. That is also probably the worst time to run out of toilet paper.

Source: UPI
Photo: Stangzine

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