Mar 19, 2012

Sausage Party: Woman Attacks Man For Lack of Sausages at 7-11

A woman has been arrested for losing her mind at a 7-11 after she found out that there were no fully heated hot dogs available. The officer who arrested her said he arrived to the woman throwing an item at the store clerk and attempted to climb over the counter. When the officer entered the store, he arrested her on the spot and put her in the back of the police car where she tried to kick the windows open. The cop decided to pepper spray so that she would become more submissive. I don't think I have to tell you guys that she was drunk, but the officer said her speech was slurred, her eyes were bloodshot, and she smelled like alcohol. If she didn't smell like alcohol, then the other two symptoms would have meant that she was high on marijuana. I don't really know what's wrong with this lady. Everyone knows that when you're drunk and hungry, the best place to go is Taco Bell.

Source: NJ
Photo: The Inquisitr

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