Mar 15, 2012

Private Parts: Counselor Convicted of Molestation In Children's Home

Victor Salazar of Santa Ana is convicted of molesting children between the ages of 14 and 15 at the children's home where he worked. This is probably the fifth article I've read about a counselor molesting children so apparently counselors are the new Catholic priests. The Florence Crittenden Home, which is in Fullerton, caters to children who have parents outside of the country either because they came to the U.S. alone or their parents were deported. So right after they lose their parents, the children can lose their virginity, too. Salazar molested three boys in his office where they were able to call their parents in South America. Officials say Salazar assaulted them while they were on the phone. That is so sad. These kids can't even talk to their parents without getting poked in the face.

Source: LA Times
Photo: OC Register

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