Mar 13, 2012

Let Freedom Ring: Woman Dumps Drums For Statue Of Liberty

Amanda Whitaker of the UK has dumped her drum set to be with the new love of her life, The Statue of Liberty. She first fell in love with the monument when one of her friends posted a picture of it online. I hope she doesn't have a Facebook friend with a stamp collection. That can turn into a really sticky situation. Whitaker says, "She is my long-distance lover and I am blown away by how stunning she is." This lady is crazy. How can the Statue of Liberty be her lover if the Statue of Liberty doesn't even love? If I were her I would definitely give those drums a call. The article says that she's visited the monument a few times, but has had settle for a look-alike shrine in her home not only because of the distance but also because she believes too many other people are in love with the real statue. News flash: nobody is in love with the Statue of Liberty but you! People climb up to the top of it, but no ones going down on her. Tourists will literally get inside her head, but she's not giving head to anyone. Apparently she has a disorder called objectum sexuality where she creates emotional connections with inanimate objects. I didn't know this was an actual disorder, but now that I do, I think I may have it, too. I'm in love with Taco Bell Crunch Wrap Supremes!


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