Mar 19, 2012

Serenity Is Key: Man Rages Over Losing House Keys

A man in New Zealand is under arrest after throwing a rampage which resulted from him not being able to find his house keys. It started off with him smashing windows and yelling abusive things. From there, he went to his mother's house where he started strangling the family's pet goat and smashed his head into a wall. Although the goat didn't suffer any major harm, there was no word as to whether the wall is okay or not. After the goat, the guy went after his sister by throwing a glass at her and punching her. His grandmother tried to get him to stop by spraying oven cleaner on him. That's when the cops came and arrested him and asked him why he smelled so good. Just kidding. But seriously, he's arrested. Obviously this guy has some issues going on inside of his head. If I lost my house keys, I would have at least punched my grandmother, too.

Source: Big Pond News
Photo: Big Pond News

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