Mar 7, 2012

Another Year, Another Story: Happy Birthday To Me

Almost every day I find myself having stories to tell my friends and I can't thank anyone else buy my best friend, vodka. For those of you who don't know, my birthday was yesterday so obviously I decided to party a little bit harder than usual. It was pretty much a 5 day party. Anywho, I don't remember which night it was, but while going home, I had an interesting ride home with a little cab driver named Johannes.

It started off normal where I began making small talk and asking questions like, "How has your night been?" or "Have you ever tried heroine?" The conversation went from one topic to the other where he finally told me he was almost done with his shift. So I asked, "Are you going home to your wife?" He said no and that he didn't have one. I asked if he had a girlfriend and he said no again. I asked if he was gay and after a moment of silence he said yes.

From that point on I decided to go bold and start rubbing his thigh. Not only was I slightly horny from being a little less drunk than usual, but I was also looking for a free cab ride. The thigh-rubbing didn't seem to bother him so I continued to do it until he reached my house.

As soon as we got to my house I gave him a hug and thanked him for the ride. After we separated from the hug, I decided to go in for a kiss hoping he wouldn't ask me to stop. He didn't. We made out for what seemed to be two minutes and I asked him, "Am I getting a free ride tonight? It's my birthday." He told me no and he still made me pay. I was pissed. Not only did he make me pay, but after he printed out the receipt he had the nerve to ask me, "Are you gonna leave me a tip?" Are you effing kidding me? Hell no I'm not leaving a tip. He didn't even give me his tip!

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