Mar 28, 2012

Junk In The Trunk: Women Arrested For Giving Illegal Butt Injections

Kimberly Smedley from Georgia is under arrest for giving illegal butt injections to clients all over the East Coast. She had clients in Baltimore, D.C., Detroit, Philadelphia and New York City who paid around $1600 for the toxic silicone injections. She would inject her clients with substances that were used for metal or plastic lubrication, furniture or automotive polishes, or an additive for paint and coatings. She even hired someone as a security guard to make sure the coast is clear while Smedley would perform the procedure in a hotel room. The procedure involved her injecting a client's butt ten times with what she claimed to be "medical-grade silicone." Then she would plug the holes with cotton balls and super glue. I can sit her and talk about how stupid this lady is for injecting people with lube and paint coating, but even stupider are the clients she had. At what point are these people not realizing that something isn't right here? The part when she told you to meet you at Motel 6? Or the part where she stopped the bleeding with Elmer's glue? And how the fuck did they find out about this lady in the first place? Craigslist? The Pennysaver? I can't say I blame these ladies for wanting cheap butt implants. I want a bigger ass just as much as the next bottom, but I've come to learn that if it sounds to good to be true, it probably is. Unfortunately I found that out after I got my sex change. 

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