Apr 4, 2012

McDouble Trouble: Lady Sells Her Body For Two Cheeseburgers

A woman in Florida is under arrest for attempting to prostitute herself for two McDoubles and $40 as a tip. An undercover cop invited the woman into his car and she told him that the fee for her sexual favors was two McDoubles. Obviously this lady is smart because she knows that McDoubles are the same thing as double cheese burgers, except they only cost a dollar. Sounds like she received a mighty fine education. You go, girl. The cop purchased the two burgers, which came out to $2.75 and parked in a vacant lot to meet up with the alleged prostitute. As soon as she arrived to the car, cops arrested her on charges of prostitution. However, the article never mentioned who got to eat the two McDoubles. Here's the deal: you have a lady selling sex for less than three bucks. That's like the dollar menu of prostitutes. How fugly do you have to be to charge $2.75 for a sexual favor. I would have at least thrown in some fries and since it's McDonald's a McFlurry wouldn't really hurt anybody either. What a McDumbass.

Photo: Word Press
Source: Huffington Post

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