Aug 1, 2010

Astro-Not: Katy Perry Sends Husband to Space for Birthday

For Russell Brand's 35th birthday, Katy Perry bought him a ticket to ride the Virgin Galactic space venture for $200,000. First of all, is it just me, or does Brand look way older than 35? Second, I don't like anything with the word virgin in it. Virgin Airlines always charges me too much for carrying luggage; Virgins never know how to be good in bed; and Virgin Margaritas are never fun for anyone. The trip will let Brand go to the Earth's atmosphere and float for 5 minutes in space. To me, that's like having sex with a minute man. If I'm going to be floating in space, I'm going to want a lot more than just 5 minutes. I at least want the chance to be able to use the bathroom and take ecstasy pills up there. Katy hasn't decided if she wants to accompany Brand on the trip. Hopefully Brand will go with her and come back alone.

Photo: Glamour Vanity

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