Aug 1, 2010

Amen-tor: Manager Tells Robber Jesus Will Disapprove

A man walked into a cell phone store in Pompano Beach, Florida armed with a gun and asked for the money in the register. Nayara Goncalves, the silly manager whose name I don't know how to pronounce, told the man not to rob the store because Jesus would not approve and even offered to help him find a job through some of her friends. This lady is so lucky it wasn't someone like me robbing the store. I would have shot her in the foot and said "Sorry, lady, I don't believe in ghosts." I expect this to happen in some other state, like Maine or Utah, but Florida? Now if only this lady can start talking to more Republicans and close-minded Christians. I'm sure a lot of children could have also avoided a lot of trauma had she talked to a few priests, or even better, Michael Jackson.

Photo: MacYapper

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