Aug 30, 2010

Canon Bawl: Nick Canon Babbles About Wife's Rumors

Nick Cannon had the opportunity to attend the US Open's Arthur Ashe Kids Day recently and talked to reporters about his boring life. First of all, he's a real party animal for attending. I'm going to be so jealous when he gets invited to all the pizza parties that I get kicked out of. Second, we don't really want to hear anything he has to say unless it has to do with people bagging on his wife. But of course, he doesn't get the hint so he talked about how he loves kids and how he is "a big kid." Tell us something we don't know. Standing next to Mariah doesn't make you look any more mature. He also talks about having kids, which I feel like is something that shouldn't happen for him until he's not a minor anymore. I can see him fighting with his kids over race cars and barbie jeeps. Finally, he talks about people downplaying his wife and says that everyone just keep saying the same thing for two years. I'm guessing that's probably because Mariah's waist line has been the same for two years.

Photo: Pop on the Pop

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