Aug 9, 2010

Where Have All The Oldies Gone?: Old People Go Missing In Japan.

Japan isn't exactly the best place to live right now if you're older than 100 years old. Last week, Tokyo police found a mummified man who all of Japan thought was the oldest man in that nation. They thought he was 111 years old, but he had been dead for 30 years. The best part is police tried to find his family to investigate whether or not they were taking money from his account after receiving a pension. The older the berry, the sweeter the check. Then, this week, a woman who turned 113 was also declared missing after local authorities went to her apartment and found out that she never lived there. In addition, there have been more reports of people over the age of 100 who have gone missing and/or their family members don't know what happened to them. My guess is that they've all died... 30 years ago. Apparently, Japan is the best place to live if you want to get rid of your grandparents. Since October of last year, there were 41,000 residents over the age of 100 in Japan. I'm thinking that number is going to go down as soon as they find out how many people have been missing for half of their lives.

Photo: Piscatorial Pursuits

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