Aug 8, 2010

Kim-moron: Kimora Lee Has a Yard Sale

This past weekend, Russell Simmons and Kimora Lee held a yard sale at the old house they used to share in New Jersey. I guess putting everything up on eBay was too difficult for them to do. The items ranged from a $200,000 Versace bed to $3 mugs. They have also sold the house for around $13.9 million. I bet the only things that weren't even touched by customers were the things in Kimora's and Russell's closets, which were ironically full of Baby Phat and Phat Farm clothing.

Much to my disbelief, Kimora actually donated much of the proceeds to charity. If she's getting $40,000 a month in child support from Russell, she damn well better be giving the money away. The worst part about the child support deal is that Russell said ""I am reading these stories today about how a judge ordered me to pay Kimora $40,000 a month in child support and I want to make something very clear. Nothing was ordered, it was given. My kids have a fabulous life; they are exposed to a broad range of artistic and scholastic educational programs and I’m very happy to contribute to that." So he's basically giving Kimora that much money to spend on their daughter's education. Both of them are assholes. Kimora is an asshole for accepting that much money when she is perfectly capable of making her own money, and Russell is an asshole for spending the money on something stupid, like an education. My mom always enrolled me into a public school and I turned out just fine, didn't I?

Photo: B.E.T.

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