Aug 19, 2010

Special Words: Jen Aniston is Criticized for Saying 'Retard'

For some reason people cannot find a way to stop hating on Jennifer Aniston. After saying that her new movie Switch tells the audience women don't need a man to have a baby since they can do it on their own, Anniston heard some criticizing words from Bill O'Reilly. He said, "She's throwing a message out to 12-year-olds and 13-year-olds that hey, you don't need a guy, you don't need a dad. That's destructive to our society." Bill O'Reilly is obviously an idiot. Everyone knows kids grow up just as fine without a father. We all know Suri Cruise is going to be successful and look at her parents. Both Katie Holmes and Tom Cruise have a vagina. Either way Aniston responded to the criticism saying she's not encouraging youngsters to go out and have kids, but that women can go out and have a baby before meeting the Bill O'Reilly in their life. Jen - 1; Bill - 0.

Now Jennifer Aniston is getting grilled for saying 'Retard' on Regis and Kelly. The Special Olympics, the CEO of Arc, and Peter Bern all basically expressed how upset they are. I don't know who the last two are so if I were Aniston, I wouldn't really care. People keep complaining about using the word 'retard' and how it puts down a certain group of people, but believe it or not, they are always going to be put down. People keep replacing these words with euphemisms, which in turn become the next word that stigmatize that same group of people. It may disappear for a while, but it'll always come back. Kinda like herpes. Also see: Paris Hilton's vagina.

Photo: The Inquisitr

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